A huge thank you to all the boys, girls and parents/guardian that attended our Open Evening. There was a fantastic turn out and we are all so grateful to have been given the chance to meet you all. Anyone who was unable to make the Open Evening can watch the short video below. The video will give you a flavour of what SJC has to offer and you may even spot a familiar face or two in the images from our primary school blitz. Credit to past student James and all the crew at StationHouse Media for the excellent job as always in putting this video together for us.
All enrolment information, including a downloadable application from can be found under the "admissions" on our school website www.jarlaths.ie. The form can be downloaded directly from the following link https://www.jarlaths.ie/Content/2022/10/rr66-Enrolment_Form_2324.pdf
Forms must be printed and returned to secretary's office when completed.
If you do not have access to printing facilities please contact the secretary's office on 093 24342 to make arrangements for a hard copy to be posted to you.
Completed forms must be returned, in hard copy only, to the secretary's office by Tuesday 8th November.
If you have any queries or need further information please contact the school office on 093 24342 or by email info@jarlaths.ie.